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Would you like to purchase a brick in memory of or in honor of a family member for placement in the Church sidewalk? The bricks are $50.00 each and proceeds from the sale of these bricks are used for the ongoing maintenance of the church at Hunts Corners.  Each red brick is 4 by 8 inches in size and is engraved in uppercase block letters. Each brick may contain up to two lines of text with 14 spaces per line. The "&" sign may be used in place of the word "and."  Please note that spaces between words count in the total of 14 for each line.  

Order Instructions
1. Clearly print the text you would like on the brick(s) purchased.
(You may also link to one of our Newsletter pdf's and print an order form from that document.)
2. Make a copy for your records.
3. Include your name, address, and phone number.
3. Enclose check with information for brick(s) payable to: Heymann Historical Society
4. Mail to:

Mr. Kurt Heyman
2417 Mudbrook Rd.
Huron, Ohio 44839
Email: kurthey@buckeye-express.com

Charitable Giving
The Heymann Historical Society is a Not-For-Profit corporation established December 15, 1981, dedicated to promoting our family heritage by preserving the Hunts Corners Church, researching and publishing the family genealogy and preserving family memorabilia. Please consider reducing your Federal Income Taxes, estate taxes, and avoid paying capital gains taxes on the current value of any stock you may wish to transfer to the Heymann Historical Society. If you have any questions regarding how to transfer your stock to the Heymann Historical Society, please give Board President and attorney David Hyman a call and he will be glad to assist you. Office Phone: 419.399.4916 or Home Phone: 419.399.4659

Naming an organization and giving a life insurance policy is another way of completing your plans to help an organization to continue after your death and is a nice way to be remembered. A monetary gift in memory of or in honor of a loved one is another fine way to support the society. Contributions and memorials may be mailed at any time to: Heymann Historical Society, Kurt Heyman—Treasurer, 2417 Mudbrook Rd, Huron, Ohio 44839. Phone: 419.541.0544 (Heymann Historical Society—Federal Tax ID # 34-1365013)

Heymann Memorial Brick Sidewalk at Hunts Corners
Family Memorials